Sunday, July 10, 2011

Styled: Settee Roses Skirt

I brought home the Settee Roses Skirt today and have taken pictures of it worn with both my Lemon Stick Wedges (perfection!) and with my new Primped and Pebbled Boots. My goal for today was really to find jeans (or something) to be styled with my new boots so I'm not disappointed that I came home with this skirt and not the jeans. 

here it is worn with the wedges and you can see how well the skirt and wedges pair together. Not so much with my grey Gathering Tank Tee but if you look at the pictures below worn with the white version of this tee you can see how summery this outfit would look. 
 Here it is with my Primped and Pebbled Boots. The skirt goes over the top of the boots and I think it works (hubs approves). I've read that you want your skirt to either go over the top of your boots or to have a significant enough (but not too much) space between the top of the boots and the bottom of the skirt. having the hem and the top of your boots meet I guess is the look to be avoided. I think the grey tee works with the boots but I think I want to find a teal top to go with this or perhaps a solid mustard yellow. This look is very fall and dark. I might like to pair this with a wide belt. 

 I really liked the colors of the Dorsal Tee paired with this skirt but not so sure I liked mixing the patterns together. Although my husband liked this tee untucked and with jeans (I didn't find it flattering) he didn't like it tucked into the skirt. I'd like to find something mustard to wear with this skirt so I'm thinking if I see the  Winners Circle Tee in yellow I  would probably like that better. 

 The white tee really plays up the white parts of the print and gives this a fresher look. definitely something I'd wear during summer. 

Better look at the print in natural light and the boots. I don't think I like the boots and the white tee together. Pardon the ugly backdrop, it's our spare catch all bedroom. 

Brainstorming colors to pair with the skirt. Do you have any color selections for me that may work with this skirt? 


  1. I love skirts in this style and length. And it's such a great price point for an Anthro skirt. I agree, it'll be great for fall!

  2. I know! I was just looking at all the other skirts on my anthro wish list and this one was the cheapest by about $30 or more so I'm quite pleased about that. This is the perfect length and style for my shape too.
