Monday, May 9, 2011

Anthropologie Hair Accessories

My first purchase at Anthropologie was this Sweet Treat Headband pictured bellow. I've been going in to the Anthropologie store at the University Village in Seattle for a few years now on our 4-5 time yearly treks across the boarder for some US shopping. I've always loved popping in but am usually harried and rushed by my husband and kids and anthro is really a store that requires you to get lost in the garments and browse slowly rather then my usual style of shopping which is best described as 'on a mission'. Usually I go into a store knowing exactly what I want or need and run in, pick it out and casually look at everything else.  On my last visit I my goal was to at least pick out one of these lovely headbands that always catch my eye and I'm so glad I did because the Sweet Treat Headband is the perfect step up from casual headbands and suits my style. I have thick wavy and at times unruly hair so I often times turn to pretty headbands to pull my hair back. This one feels really supportive on my head without being too tight. I also picked out a couple of shirts on my last visit which I love dearly but I'll leave those for another post. 

I'm hoping to check this headband out on my first voyage into the Vancouver Anthropologie grand opening on Friday. I love that it has a nautical look to it. 

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